LJDC Monthly Meeting – October ’21
The LJDC Monthly Meeting
Sunday, October 10, 2021
2 – 4:30 pm
Our speaker will be Terra Lawson-Remer, San Diego County Supervisor.

Terra Lawson-Remer is a third-generation San Diegan, who served as Senior Advisor in the Obama Administration developing environmental policies to cut pollution from oil drilling and mining.
As an economist with the United Nations and World Bank, she worked around the world to create jobs, restart businesses, and generate economic activity after a crisis. As an educator and local Community College Advisory Board member, Terra teaches public policy and mentors disadvantaged students. And as a small businesswoman, Terra understands firsthand the challenges facing the business community during the COVID-19 crisis.
She will be speaking on current issues before the San Diego County Board of Supervisors where she is a member of the new Democratic majority.
LJDC Executive Board Nominating Committee
A nominating committee has been selected, consisting of Patty Petterson as chairperson, along with Paula McCormack and Paul Maschel. This group will take additional nominations before the election of LJDC board at the November meeting. So far, all current officers are running for reelection: Derek Casady, president; Paula McCormack and Fred Randel, vice presidents; Nancy Casady, treasurer and MaryLu Brandwein, secretary. To nominate yourself or another member for the board, call, text or e-mail Patty Petterson at 858-354-4910 or ppetterson@gmail.com.
Follow the directions below to join the Zoom meeting.
Questions or comments please call 858-457-0246 or email Derek at dcasady@outlook.com
Hope to see you on Sunday, October 10th at 2pm.
LJDC Zoom Meeting
Topic: La Jolla Democratic Club Zoom Meeting
Time: October 10, 2021 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
To join the LJDC Zoom Meeting with your Web Browser use this link:
Meeting ID: 819 7882 9313
Passcode: 114622
If you prefer to dial in with your phone use this number and enter the following ID and Password when prompted:
1 (669) 900 9128
Meeting ID: 819 7882 9313
Passcode: 114622