La Jolla Democratic Club Newsletter
January 2020
The LJDC Monthly Meeting
Sunday, January 12, 2020
2 – 4:30 pm
Bird Brains,
Inside the Strange Minds of Our Fine Feathered Friends
Presented by LJDC member Budd Titlow
It will be a beautiful photographic slide presentation of Budd’s personal story of his love of birds and will offer insights taken from Budd’s forty years of work as a professional wildlife biologist, certified wetlands scientist, international award-winning nature photographer, writer and national workshop and field trip leader. He has conducted more than one hundred surveys of wild bird habitats and breeding bird populations throughout the United States. Anyone who loves nature and the outdoors will enjoy this program. Budd lives with his wife, Debby, on the back side of Mt. Soledad in Pacific Beach.
Also we will discuss our Club’s participation in the upcoming MLK Parade on January 19th. See details below.
Thank you to all who contribute (or would like to) such hard work in keeping our wonderful club vibrant, relevant and running smoothly! — Derek Casady
Community Room @ AMC La Jolla 12 Theater
8657 Villa La Jolla Drive
San Diego, CA 92037 Map

Clean Elections Update – The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 8, at 6pm, at the First Unitarian Universalist Church in Hillcrest. Come to our organizing meeting to share your thoughts on our plans ahead and where you would like to help. If you have any questions, call John Hartley @ 619-299-8870 or email at
See Clean Elections Q & A
Friday, January 10, 2020 – Nancy Casady For Congress Fundraiser – You’re Invited to Celebrate the New Year and a Green New Deal Candidate for Congress in the 52nd District. Friday, January 10th at 5:30 p.m., at The Historic Walter Munk home, 9530 La Jolla Shores Dr, La Jolla, CA 92037. Suggested Contribution: Climate Activist – $30, Climate Warrior – $200 and up. For more info or to donate, see website: CasadyforCongress or RSVP here
Sunday, January 12, 2020 – LJDC Monthly Meeting– 2 – 4:30pm Community Room @ AMC La Jolla 12 Theater

Sunday, January 19, 2020 – Join the Parade – The 40th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade in downtown San Diego. This year, joining many other local organizations, LJDC members will participate in marching a total distance of one mile in the parade honoring Dr. King’s legacy. Check in at staging area in front of the County Administration Building by 1pm. Harbor Drive – Embarcadero, San Diego, CA 92101 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm We need members to come represent our club and help carry the banner.
Monday, January 20, 2020 – 32nd Annual All Peoples Celebration from 9 AM to 12 PM inside the Balboa Park Activity Center For More Info and Tickets
Volunteers Needed
As you know, this is going to be an important election year, and getting out the vote of every Democrat is crucial.
Here is a way we can all help – from home!
Register at
This group will send you letters that you can send to targeted states (i.e.the six states where we are likely to flip the senate. All you need to do is print the letter and HAND ADDRESS it, put it in an envelope and put a stamp on it. You can do 5 letters or 100. Try it. You’ll like it!
If anyone is going to own our politicians, it should be, we, the people. — Bill Moyers
This Month’s Book and Movie Recommendations

The Great Hack, by Karim Amer, Jehane Noujaim
If you’d rather not think about how your life is locked in a dystopian web of your own data, don’t watch the new Netflix documentary *The Great Hack*.
But if you want to see, really see the way data tracking, harvesting, and targeting takes the strands of information we generate and ties them around us until we are smothered by governments and companies, then don’t miss the film, which premieres today on the streaming platform and in theaters. Ostensibly, it tells the story of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, but even if you know that sordid tale already, the film is worth a look. It uses the scandal as a framework to illustrate the data mining structures and algorithms that are undermining individual liberty and democratic society, one Facebook like and meme at a time. More

The Three Dimensions of Freedom by Billy Bragg
Faber & Faber Social (August 13, 2019) 96 Pages
We live in a world where strongman politics are rising; neo-liberalism has hollowed out political parties; and corporations have undermined democracy. Ordinary voters feel helpless to effect change, resulting in outbreaks of populist anger, and traditional platforms for debate are losing their viability as readers source information online. In this short and vital polemic, progressive thinker and activist Billy Bragg argues that accountability is the antidote to authoritarianism, and that without it, we can never truly be free. He shows us that Freedom requires three dimensions to function: Liberty, Equality, and Accountability – and the result is a three dimensional space in which freedom can be exercised by all. More
Members Out And About

FACEBOOK POSTS: See club member Jim Evans’, PhD. latest posts
- The President Wants A Hot War With Iran
- The Smells Of War
- Orwellian Truth: Escalation Means De-Escalation
- What Is A Green New Deal
- Sign a Petition to Get Chelsea Manning Out of Jail
- Taking Wag The Dog To A Whole New Level
LJDC Members at the No War on Iran March, January 4, 2020.
Mail Delivery of the Paper Newsletter
A benefit of LJDC Membership is this monthly newsletter, put together to keep you abreast of events and programs for the coming month. If the email version is sufficient, and you would like to opt out of the mailed paper flyer, saving the club the expense of paper/printing/postage, please add your name to the opt-out list here. Thanks for helping to keep those trees in the ground.

The LJDC membership year runs from January-December.
We now can accept credit card or paypal payments through our website at
Please use the online Membership Form to renew for 2020.
Payments may be sent to:
PO Box 288, San Diego, CA 92038.
Help the Cause – Member suggested ways to advance our work – More Ideas
Resources 2020 – See Page
Issues and Organizations – See Page
To contact the SD Democratic Party.
To submit an event to the SD Democratic Party Calendar for inclusion.