LJDC Monthly Meeting – January 2022
January 2022
The LJDC Monthly Meeting
Thursday, January 13th
7 pm
Please Note New Time for the LJDC Monthly Zoom Meetings!
We will meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at 7pm, starting tomorrow on the 13th of January, 2022. See you then!
For the January program we have invited Kelly Martinez and Dave Meyers, candidates for San Diego County Sheriff, to make presentations about their campaigns and their platforms so that the La Jolla Democratic Club may decide if the Club wants to endorse either or both of them in their race for San Diego County Sheriff.
Also present at the meeting will be Kylie Taitano, a software engineer at Intuit, who is a candidate in the June Primary Election for Congress in the 52ndDistrict where Scott Peters is the incumbent. The La Jolla Democratic Club will not be considering an endorsement in this race until probably in February.
To join a LJDC Zoom Meeting use this Recurring Link:
Meeting ID: 836 2870 5292
Passcode: 940538