LJDC Monthly Meeting – November 21

Our speaker for Nov. 14th will be Jason Bercovitch, Director of Constituent Services for Congressmember Scott Peters.
The subject of Jason’s talk will be a defense of Congressmember Peters’ opposition to President Biden’s plan to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. At our October meeting a motion/resolution (*see below) was made to condemn Peters for his opposition to the Biden plan for drug price negotiations, and Doug Case, of Senator Toni Atkins’ office, said he thought Peters should have a chance to explain his views on drug price negotiations before the club voted on the motion/resolution.
Jason has been on Peters’ staff since 2013, is a graduate of UC Riverside, with a BA in business and managerial economics, and is a graduate of Rancho Bernardo High School.
Questions from club members will follow Jason’s presentation.
*Resolution about Scott Peters’ that the club will vote on in November:
Whereas, President Biden has proposed a plan to lower prescription drug prices for all Americans, including giving Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices to save the treasury over $450 billion, and
Whereas the $450 billion in savings could be put towards providing child care and senior care, along with fighting climate change, and
Whereas, US Representative Scott Peters voted counter to the principles of the Biden Democratic party agenda
and against the Biden prescription drug proposal, after receiving over $800,000 from “Big Pharma” industry members, therefore
Be it resolved that the San Diego County Democratic Party condemns the actions of Representative Peters that are counter to President Biden’s efforts to make prescription drugs more affordable for all.
The subject of Jason’s talk will be a defense of Congressmember Peters’ opposition to President Biden’s plan to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. At our October meeting a motion/resolution (*see below) was made to condemn Peters for his opposition to the Biden plan for drug price negotiations, and Doug Case, of Senator Toni Atkins’ office, said he thought Peters should have a chance to explain his views on drug price negotiations before the club voted on the motion/resolution.
Jason has been on Peters’ staff since 2013, is a graduate of UC Riverside, with a BA in business and managerial economics, and is a graduate of Rancho Bernardo High School.
Questions from club members will follow Jason’s presentation.
Our second item of business will be the election of club officers for 2022. Prior to the election a report by the nominating committee will be given by chairperson Pattie Petterson. Other members of the committee are Paula McCormack and Paul Maschel.