The LJDC Monthly Meeting – August
The LJDC Monthly Meeting
Sunday, August 11, 2019
2 – 4:30 pm

PROGRAM: “Truth in Ten” by The Climate Reality Project
SPEAKER: Nancy Casady
Former General Manager, Ocean Beach People’s Organic Food Co-op (1996-2016)
Member, State Board of Food and Agriculture (2012 – to present)
Married, mother of five
Nancy and her husband Derek (President, La Jolla Dem Club) are now full-time climate activist.
Nancy and her daughter, Jennifer, and her granddaughter, Megan, all attended former Vice President Al Gore’s November 2018 Climate Reality training and became qualified to present the program’s amazing slide show–“Truth in Ten”. Come prepared to see a clear path forward in the fight to address the climate emergency.

Additionally, Congressman Scott Peters will drop by the meeting to discuss with the La Jolla Democrat Club members.
Scott Peters serves California’s 52nd Congressional district, which includes the cities of Coronado, Poway, and most of northern San Diego. First elected in 2012, he currently serves on the House Committee on the Budget and the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where he advocates for investment in basic scientific research, supports the military’s goals to enhance their energy security, and fights for commonsense healthcare reforms that work for families and small business owners.
Scott Peters is a civic leader who has made improving the quality of life in San Diego his life’s work. As a Member of Congress, Scott’s emphasis has been promoting and expanding San Diego’s innovation ecosystem, advocating for San Diego’s pivotal role as a partner in the national defense, and making government work again. Ranked the 4th most independent Democrat in Congress by the National Journal, Scott Peters understands that business problems have bipartisan solutions, and is never afraid to work across party lines to build consensus and get things done.
Community Room @ AMC La Jolla 12 Theater
8657 Villa La Jolla Drive
San Diego, CA 92037 Map

The Joint La Jolla Democratic/Club Pacific Beach Democratic Club Picnic will be Sunday, August 4th from 4 to 7 p.m. at Kate Sessions Park, high atop Lamont Street at Soledad Road in north Pacific Beach. The club will supply beer, wine, sodas and water along with one main dish. The rest of the food is potluck from the members. The club will also provide chairs, 2 tables and a popup shade shelter. LJDC members come and enjoy with our neighboring democrats.