LJDC General Meeting – July

La Jolla Democratic Club Newsletter

July 2020

4th of july

Endorsements for the July Meeting:
We will consider an endorsement in the City Attorney’s race between Cory Briggs and City Attorney Mara W. Elliott. Cory Briggs has agreed to attend and Mara Elliott has been invited to join our July Zoom meeting.

Members will also be asked to vote to endorse a U.S. House Resolution regarding Palestinian children in custody in Israeli prisons. Speaking in support of the Resolution will be club member Dr. Ehab Shehata, general medical family practitioner at the La Jolla Veterans’ Hospital. See here for full text of the Resolution.

Additionally, we will have a speaker from San Diegans for Justice regarding the proposed Independent Police Review Commission that will be on the Nov. 3 ballot.

Club members must have paid their 2020 club dues by July 12th to be qualified to vote and new members must have been a member for 30 days to be eligible to vote. (https://www.lajollademocrats.org/membership) Members who pay their dues after these dates will not be qualified to vote in this endorsement round.

Follow the directions below to join the Zoom meeting.
Questions or comments please call 858-457-0246 or email Derek at dcasady@outlook.com
Hope to see you on Sunday, July 12th at 2 pm.