LJDC General Meeting – March

The LJDC Monthly Meeting
Sunday, March 8, 2020
2 – 4:30 pm

The Program: Super Tuesday Review and DiscussionA Discussion of the March 3rd Primary Election results by members of the La Jolla Democratic Club and a panel of experts headed by Cody Petterson, a member of LJDC, President of Democrats for Environmental Action, a member of the Democratic Central Committee and a member of the steering committee of the San Diego Sierra Club. Also on the panel will be Fred Rogers, political chairman of the San Diego Sierra Club and Central Committee member and John Mattes, attorney and former reporter for San Diego Channel 5 television, In addition to the Primary discussion there will be a look ahead at the future  of the Democratic Presidential Primary. Bring your thoughts and observations on the results of Tuesday’s Primary election. We will delve into a discussion on candidates, delegates, the convention, polls and potential VPs. Who got what and how many, and what that means coming down the road as we head into the convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin mid July 13-16, 2020. The number of delegates needed for the nomination is 1,990, while the total number of delegates will be 3,979.
Community Room @ AMC La Jolla 12 Theater
8657 Villa La Jolla Drive
San Diego, CA 92037 Map