LJDC General Meeting – June
Hello La Jolla Democratic Club Members,
Hope all is healthy and well with you and all members of your family and friends. It is exciting to be alive at this particular time in history for we will see whether the Democrats win in November. If not, our country is condemned to four more years of filling the swamp, threatening our Democracy and ignoring the Climate Emergency, which has the potential to be much worse than the current pandemic. — Derek Casady, LJDC President

The La Jolla Democratic Club will meet via Zoom at 2 pm on Sunday, June 14th to consider endorsements of: Barbara Bry or Todd Gloria, for San Diego mayor; Chris Ward or Sara Davis for 78th Assembly District, which includes La Jolla; and Will Moore or Joe LaCava for City Council, District 1, which includes La Jolla; and Sabrina Bazzo or Stephen Groce for School Board candidates for District A.
The candidates will speak on the Zoom meeting and will answer question before members cast their votes. A candidate must receive 66% of the votes cast in order to be endorsed by the club.
Club members must have paid their 2020 club dues to be qualified to vote at the Zoom meeting, and the deadline for paying dues via mail is a June 9th postmarked, and June 13th for electronic payments through the LJDC Paypal account via the LJDC membership page.
Members who pay their dues after these dates will not be qualified to vote in this endorsement round.
Follow the directions below to join the Zoom meeting.
Questions or comments please call 858-457-0246 or email Derek at dcasady@outlook.com
Hope to see you on Sunday, June 14th at 2 pm.