LJDC General Meeting – October
La Jolla Democratic Club Newsletter October 2020 |
The LJDC Monthly Meeting Sunday, October 11, 2020 2 – 4:30 pm |

Program and Speaker:
Jeanne Brown, former president of the San Diego League of Women Voters, will give a PowerPoint presentation on all of the 14 Ballot Measures facing voters in the General Election on Nov. 3rd.
Jeanne, a Pt. Loma resident, taught high school math and science. She graduated from San Diego State University with a BS in Biology and a minor in math and chemistry, plus a teaching credential. She has lived in San Diego since 1965, coming her from the San Gabriel Valley. She was born in St. Louis and grew up in Ohio in communities near Lake Erie.
In her presentation, which she recently gave at the Uptown Democratic Club, in Hillcrest, she included the amounts of money spend for and against the ballot measures, and the identity of the groups or individuals who supported and opposed each ballot measure.
After Jeanne’s presentation the Club will decided upon a nominating committee to nominate club officers for next year. According to the bylaws, club members may vote to elect a nominating committee or vote to have the Executive Board appoint the committee. The chair of the nominating committee may not be a member of the Executive Committee. The nominating committee will present its club officer nominees at the November meeting and the Club will then hold an election for club officers.
After the nominating committee is formed, members are invited to an open discussion about concerns relating to the upcoming election and the incredibly undemocratic, lying behavior of President Trump.
Anyone with Questions may call Derek Casady, club president, at 858-775-0365.