Marcia Bookstein’s Bookshelf November’18

Marcia Bookstein’s Bookshelf
The most important book I’ve read so far is:
War Is A Racket, by Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler
Yes, his first name is a bit unfortunate, but he is, as far as I know, the most decorated war hero in our history.
He started out in the Marines, believing that he was fighting for freedom and democracy. Towards the end of his 33 years in the military he came to understand that he was fighting for the wealthy capitalists. It’s an eye-opener, and makes you want to make illegal all wars fought on other people’s lands.
Make sure to read the introduction. There you will find some obscure but important military history, and the plot to assassinate the President and take over the country–by the multinational corporations. It’s fascinating and shocking, and, yes, we should have our eyes uncovered.
There are two other books, not directly political but essential reading. First, an introduction: One of my neighbors died and I offered to play for his memorial gathering at his widow’s home. Before playing I mentioned that I would rather play for people while they are alive, as they would enjoy it more. After playing, his granddaughter asked if I would play for her wedding. After we discussed repertoire she asked what my fee was. “A book that changed your life.”
Bonus! There were two books, and I want to share them with you:
Solar Storms, by Linda Hogan, Hogan herself is a Chickasaw Indian, but she writes a hero’s journey of four Cree Indian women. I have never witnessed nature described so lovingly and beautifully, as if it were another character in their adventures. And the story weaves in their characters with the abuse the Native Americans and their beloved land received by both the US and Canadian governments.
At Home On the Street, by Wasserman and Claire, two sociology professors who camp out with the homeless in Birmingham, Alabama, over the space of one or two years. I’m still reading this book, as the language is pretty academic. (I was a music major in college). But it destroys your preconceived ideas of why people are homeless. When they were first talking of “social structure”, and “economic structure” I had no idea what they were talking about. Reading further I figured it out. Capitalism creates the top, and, necessarily, there is a bottom. I’d skipped to the end and got weepy when the profs were saying their goodbyes and their homeless peeps gave them gifts from their stash of nothing. In this book they cover every conceivable aspect of homelessness, with plenty of footnotes and references after each chapter.
Happy Reading!