LJDC Monthly Meeting

LJDC Monthly Meeting – May 2021

The LJDC Monthly Meeting
Sunday, May 16, 2021
2 – 4:30 pm

The Program will be:
Cody Petterson, La Jolla Democratic Club member, senior adviser to County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer and President of the San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action, speaking on the new book, (See Below) “100% Clean,  Renewable Energy and Storage for Every Thing.” Written by civil and environmental engineering professor Mark Jacobson, at Stanford, this textbook lays out in amazing detail the plan for a United States’ Wind, Water and Solar Energy System to replace fossil fuels. This is very important because if we don’t end fossil-fuel burning, fossil fuels are going to end us. And time is running out.

clean energy

100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything
by Mark Z. Jacobson
Cambridge University Press; 1st edition (October 1, 1920) 450 pages
Numerous laws – including the Green New Deal – have been proposed or passed in cities, states, and countries to transition from fossil fuels to 100% clean, renewable energy in order to address climate change, air pollution, and energy insecurity. This textbook lays out the science, technology, economics, policy, and social aspects of such transitions. It discusses the renewable electricity and heat generating technologies needed; the electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen storage technologies required; how to keep the electric power grid stable; and how to address non-energy sources of emissions. It discusses the history of the 100% Movement, which evolved from a collaboration among scientists, cultural leaders, business people, and community leaders.
Buy Your Copy Here

lori saldana

The second part of the program will be presented by former Assemblywoman Lori Saldana who will give us an update on the disturbing number of deaths in San Diego County jails and other police reform and social justice issues.